I’ve been working as a professional scribe since 2006, when I took my first job in print news. I’ve since run the gauntlet of wordsmithery, from subediting magazines to editing books and penning advertorial, editorial and corporate copy – in-house and remotely, in both print and online.

I’ve won several awards for my work, so people seem to think I know what I’m doing.

I am currently freelance, focusing on drinks-related features. I have bylines in Daily Maverick, Food24, Eat Out, Crush, Rumporter, Tales of the Cocktail, The World’s 50 Best and others, and am always open to more – please reach out if you have a commission for me.

Unfortunately, I don’t have the capacity to cover all the samples I receive or events I attend. If you’d like to secure exposure, I offer paid social-media collaborations. Drop me a line to discuss.

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Educating & Entertaining

I’m a qualified WSET educator, spearheading the spirits programme at the International Wine Education Centre under the guidance of award-winning instructor Cathy Marston. We run both public and private courses – if you’d like to set something up for your team, let me know.

I also run two upliftment programmes, evangelising bar culture and encouraging the next generation to get involved.

The first is the Sisterhood for Industry Support (SIS), support group where women in the South African bar industry can share intel on job openings, freelance gigs, scholarships, competitions and other opportunities, as well as offer advice and encouragement to each other. 

The second is Bar Unity, a bar-skills and job-placement initiative for disadvantaged youth in Cape Town that I co-founded along with industry veteran Kurt Schlechter.

If you’d like to invest in tomorrow’s drinkslingers, we’re always on the lookout for sponsors.

I absolutely love conducting guided corporate tastings and drinks-related team-building events. These can take the shape of a spirits 101, or fun, interactive classes like ‘Martinis 3 Ways’, where attendees learn how to make their own Martinis.

Additionally, I’m always excited about putting together bespoke masterclasses and presentations. Get in touch should there be something you’d like me to speak on.

cocktails & SPIRITS


I’ve been lucky to be invited to judge many cocktail competitions over the years. It’s incredibly satisfying for me to watch competitors grow, particularly when I can see that they’ve taken on the feedback I’ve given them.

Having judged a wide range of competitions, from Diageo World Class to Rémy Martin Bartender Talent Academy, I’m also equipped to set them up, from bartender buy-in to event execution; reach out If this is something you require.   

As a trained spirits educator and taster, I also judge spirits competitions, including global affairs like the International Sugarcane Spirits Awards.

I judge cocktail bars too, and hold the position of Academy Chair (Africa South) for the World’s 50 Best Bars, frequently travelling to bars around the globe.

Furthermore, I to sit on multiple other industry panels, including both Middle East Africa and Writing and Media for the Tales of the Cocktail Spirited Awards.

While having a voice in who gets an award is an enormous honour, my favourite kind of panel is one that offers upliftment, so please keep me in mind for any committees that offer scholarships and so on to those in need.



I thoroughly enjoy providing insight into brand and bar matters. With my background in journalism and content production, I have a special knack for brand positioning, tone and marketing collateral. 

My many years of judging means I’m also well placed to organise awards programmes, as well as cocktail competitions that get your liquid on the right lips. 

I can also assist with competitor analysis, bar activations or simply intel on how the bar industry works.  

Additionally, as a travelling barfly, I’m able to offer advice and insights into what makes a bar great, and how to make yours great too. If you’re looking to up your game, give me a call.

On occasion, I  take on advocacy roles too, such as Africa Ambassador for the San Francisco World Spirits Competition and South African Ambassador for Old Fashioned Week, which entail promoting events in my region.

If there’s something you need help with, drop me a line, and I’ll see if I can assist.

Kindly note that I reserve pro-bono work for the various committees I have the honour of sitting on, industry-upliftment programmes, mentoring and philanthrpic causes. Brand work and ‘pick your brain’ sessions require financial compensation.